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Training Materials Now Available from Video Library

Video Training MaterialsAugust 2010 - Contemporary Controls announced the launch of an online video library with training videos available free of charge. The videos provide practical instruction about the application and use of the various products Contemporary Controls manufactures.

"Developing easy-to-use training resources to support our products is just as important as adding new features to our products," said George Thomas, President of Contemporary Controls. "Our library was developed so that system integrators can watch the installation and configuration of our products, and see the different features available to them."

Among the videos now available, Contemporary Controls offers a tutorial that explains how the BAS Router can be used to route messages between BACnet networks such as BACnet/IP, BACnet Ethernet, and BACnet MS/TP – thereby allowing the system integrator to mix BACnet network technologies within a single BACnet internetwork.

Additional videos show users how to configure and install the BAS Router.

"The BAS Router is one of our most popular products because it enables three-way routing between BACnet/IP, BACnet Ethernet and BACnet MS/TP." Said Joe Stasiek, Sales Manager of Contemporary Controls. "The introductory video shows users the BAS Routers capabilities and the two instructional videos provide step-by-step practical instruction for using the BAS Router."

For BAS Remote customers who use the M2B Project Builder Software, a tool available free of charge from Contemporary Controls that is used to compile and load Modbus Maps into the BAS Remote, there is now a tutorial that walks the viewer through the setup and application of the M2B Project Building software.

Additional video, particularly and the BAS Remote and Sedona Framework, will be launched by the end of the summer.

Training materials can be viewed via the Contemporary Controls Video Library or the Contemporary Controls YouTube Channel.


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